My perfect world of school would consist of three non-flawed aspects.- Social, grades, and education/learning. In order to reach a marvelous social aspect, I think making a list of people who we enjoy being around and working with would make class a tad less torturous for some. Also, minimizing the amount of students for each period might be helpful. It's not like every student you put on your list will be in your classes, but one or two seems more reasonable. 
Now on to learning. When a student is gone they are held responsible for picking up missed assignments. How could we make it even easier? Giving us more ways to stay caught up. The teachers in the school could set up a small camcorder in the back of the classroom, and record them selves teaching a lesson. They could even make it a live feed cam so the student at home could watch and take notes as you're doing it, or view it later.
Grading. I think grading is too straight forward. I'm not exactly sure how to correct this, because all teachers have a different technique.- Some grade very precisely, some are more lenient. Others, are lazy and grade quickly, while others take so much time you have to wait a couple weeks to figure out your score, and by the time you get it back, if you need to correct anything, you don't even remember the unit. Rules are set, but they're only there to be broken.