School In A Perfect World

May 16, 2013
My perfect world of school would consist of three non-flawed aspects.- Social, grades, and education/learning. In order to reach a marvelous social aspect, I think making a list of people who we enjoy being around and working with would make class a tad less torturous for some. Also, minimizing the amount of students for each period might be helpful. It's not like every student you put on your list will be in your classes, but one or two seems more reasonable. 
Now on to learning. When a student is gone they are held responsible for picking up missed assignments. How could we make it even easier? Giving us more ways to stay caught up. The teachers in the school could set up a small camcorder in the back of the classroom, and record them selves teaching a lesson. They could even make it a live feed cam so the student at home could watch and take notes as you're doing it, or view it later.
Grading. I think grading is too straight forward. I'm not exactly sure how to correct this, because all teachers have a different technique.- Some grade very precisely, some are more lenient. Others, are lazy and grade quickly, while others take so much time you have to wait a couple weeks to figure out your score, and by the time you get it back, if you need to correct anything, you don't even remember the unit. Rules are set, but they're only there to be broken.

I Believe

May 9, 2013
I believe I cannot do everything, but I can always gain as long as I try. I believe I can use my pain from my past and convert it into strength. I believe everyone is flawed, whether they show it or not. Learn your weaknesses and fix them, but do not focus on being perfect. I believe that your attitude during hard times reflects on who you are as a person and how you'll mature and grow. I believe that, us as humans with feelings, always want what we don't have and that's all we focus on and s...
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April 30, 2013
Click it, Now. This website is gonna give you the best idea ever of who this wonderful person is.  Her marvelous personality shines through on her heartwarming, funny, cute, and personal posts. Go to it!!!:)

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April 30, 2013
Not just are the pictures on this amazing website gorgeous. But the food is all healthy. And as long as you're open-minded about trying new things, you'll be sure to find lots of new recipes that you've probably never thought of using, or a healthier substitution you've probably never thought of. Go check this site out. The admin is sweet, the food looks delicious, and the pictures are well-chosen.
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April 23, 2013
Your life means a lot. To you and the majority of people around you. Along with your health. You care about your health, because sometimes people get fatal diseases when they did nothing wrong. Don't take your health for granted. 
Although some people look at it as weird, unusual, and these kids can grow up being called a freak, this outcasty look they may have wasn't necessarily their choice. This physical malfunction is called a birth defect
There are 4000 known different types of birth def...
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Dessert Dance! @Neverland

April 15, 2013
Our class is full of sweet, imaginative teens. Neverland really will, I believe, send off this whole make-believe vibe, which will be great, because this night should be fun, magical, and we should never want it to end. We should have beautiful flowers made with tissue or something like that. And each student in the 8th grade could make 2 or 3. We could have cloud like things (cotton) around the edges of the bottoms of the walls. We could have pink, orange, yellow, green, warm, soothing, myst...

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Why You Don't Give Up

April 11, 2013
Not to be inconsiderate or anything, but a lot of the time, people are just overreacting teenage girls who think their lives are "oh-so" terrible. It looks pathetic. I'm aware some people are genuinely sad, but sometimes it's a different day but same thing. 
To the real point. 
You have a family.
People who care about you whether you call them friends or not.
And a life. 
Not everyone gets a life. Whether you think you deserve one, want one, or need one or not, you go along until you're out of you...

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A Bit About Me

April 9, 2013
I realized that, frankly, you guys know nothing about ME, just my thoughts. I assumed, at the very beginning, that it wouldn't matter, because no one will be reading these anyways, but maybe, just maybe someone will happen to come across this oh-so lovely blog of mine. So, let's get started.
Some of my friends and family call me Lyssa or Lyssa Rose. I'm a pretty in check person. People who strive for attention and the perfect life I laugh it. I've been through enough(Don't assume I'm just anot...
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April 8, 2013
In the 1900s if you killed a person it was a huge, town-wide dealio.
Now, in some places, there are multiple murders, rapes, muggings and more, a day! When did this become part of living?- Part of everyday life? Why and how did this come to be?
There are many reasons why people do the things they do, whether it's impulse, not being mentally stable, or just because of a traumatic event or maybe it was an accident. The majority of the time, major crimes are committed by unstable people. Possible ...

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April 4, 2013
We are so messed up. Whether we admit it or not. Sure YOLO. Whatever. I don't care your reason, whether you're "Living" or just being dumb. Or generation stands out from past ones.
Its kinda embarrassing. We might enjoy ourselves more, but we're still rather ignorant, conceited- our thought process is completely and utterly shorter and skip multiple, pretty necessary steps. Of course none of this is going to change, and not every single person is terrible, 'course. But then the question comes ...

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Nothin' Too Special

I'm Alyssa! Hi there, fellow people of the Human Race! Just as you, I think quite a bit. Well, at least the majority of you. ;) I have a lot of opinions. And sometimes I think faster than I type. throughout my posts I'm sure you'll start understanding more and more of the way I think. Enjoy! :)

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